Free Rides
Vybavení není součástí ceny, na místě je však možné si jej zapůjčit dle ceníku ZDE
Nelze využít k první návštěvě Pitlandu.
800,- Kč – 3 rozjížďky, max mapa 2
3 rides, max map 2 for great price CZK 900
For every purchased Free Ride session, we automatically reserve the option to extend it with another Free Ride session with payment on-site.
The course is available for individuals over 150 cm tall. Children under 150 cm can only be accommodated within the KIDS RIDING program for those up to 150 cm.
If you choose FREE RIDES as your first visit, we need to demonstrate basic riding skills through a few simple exercises before your first ride.
Free Rides are designed for all riders who are registered with us (who have already ridden with us).
Free Rides:
- designed for a maximum of 6 participants
- divided into groups of 6 people for one ride on the track
- divided into groups according to times achieved at last visit
One free ride should last 6 minutes, 45 seconds. Free rides are sold in packages of 3 rides, you can change your performance map for each ride with your SAM within the range of the variant purchased.
You will have two relax rides between each ride (i.e. just under 14 minutes). Each participant is required to monitor the time for their future rides – on the TV or with the Marshal. If the rider forgets or does not begin the ride on time, the ride takes place without them. They are able to join the ride later, but they will not be compensated for lost time.
Once your time limit for the Free Rides block is over, you can agree with your SAM whether it is possible to purchase additional single rides in order to continue.
Briefing and other important information
- the briefing is an integral component of every course. It comprises brief instructions, in which we explain to you how the ePit works, and how to treat it. It also includes rules which need to be observed to ensure a safe ride. You can play the briefing here at any time, and go back to it whenever you need to
- you need a one-piece leather suit with plastic sliders, strong boots, an integral helmet and gloves to ride
- you can loan a full set of equipment here according to the pricelist HERE
- you need to arrive for your ride 30 minutes before the stated start time
- you can only park at the marked places at the site